Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - April 9, 2020
There are excellent hatches of Blue Quill Mayflies on the native brook trout streams. This is the major hatch on many of these streams and they are well matched with a Blue Quill Dry Fly size 16. It is a small fragile mayfly and low water temperature or low air temperatures slow down their emergence and their ability to fly off the stream. I've seen hundreds of them waddling up on the stream bank requiring that I be careful where I step to prevent stepping on them. During this hatch I fish to both rising trout and to cover the water.
Stream Report Updates: The Shenandoah National Park has temporarily closed as a result of the COVID-19. There are other native brook trout streams in the state of Virginia so you might have to do some exploring. Again we cannot stress enough to please be respectful of others and keep a safe distance. In other words, if you see cars parked in that area, go to another section or stream.