Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report -June 1, 2022
Early this week I explored several of the streams in the Shenandoah National Park and they are in beautiful shape. The water temperature was running around 56 degrees. The streams levels are better by coming in from the Skyline Drive or upper reaches of the streams. There are many little yellow stoneflies hatching in the mountain streams providing an excellent food source for the trout. To match this hatch use a Murray's Little Yellow Stonefly Dry size 16. Fish these upstream dead drift around the moss covered boulders and the log jams in the back eddies. If you want to fish a dry and a dropper, add a Little Yellow Stonefly Nymph below the dry.
There are still some sulphurs hatching on the streams. When I came into work this morning there was a Sulphur on the front door of the fly shop. Use a Murray's Sulphur or Shenk's Sulphur size 16 to match this hatch. I am using a 6X Classic 7.5ft Leader.
All of the native brook trout streams in the Shenandoah National Park and George Washington National Forest or in great shape. For more information on the streams, see my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park or download my digital video.