Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report _ December 31, 2020
Two Fly Rigs--. Charley Brooks got me into this for trout and it is also very effective on smallmouth bass. Brooks always pushed big nymphs so I started calling my largest nymph the anchor nymph--for example: Murray's Heavy Black Hellgrammite size 4. Using old time terms I call my second fly up the leader my "hand fly"--for example: Olive Road Kill Nymph size 8. I place my "hand fly" on my Classic 9ft 2x Leader and the "anchor fly" on a 24 inch 2X dropper below it.
This is very effective fished across stream below the riffles and where the gravel bars along the banks drop into the deep water.
The North Fork of the Shenandoah River has dropped back to almost normal levels from the recent heavy rains and has cleared up. The Mount Jackson area downstream to Edinburg is full but fishable. Just be careful wading. The area downstream of Woodstock to Strasburg will take another day or so to return to safe wading levels.
The South Fork of the Shenandoah is still too high for fishing.