Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - July 21, 2022
Some of the largest bass in each pool feed heavily on the dace and chub minnows in the tails of the pools from dusk up to and including dark. Just as it is getting dark I fish the Murray's Floating Dace and Chub Minnow with a firm strip-pause-strip action to mimic wounded minnows. Many of the large bass charge at these flies.
Other flies that are working particularly well this week in our personal fishing and guide trips: Shenk's White Streamer size 4, Olive Crayfish patterns, Chartreuse Magnum Streamer and the Shenandoah Blue Popper. Fish all of these flies on a 9ft 2X leader. With the hot weather we are having, try to be on the water in the early morning or late in the evening.
Some areas further north received very heavy amounts of rain in a little amount of time. In our area we were fortunate to receive just the right amount of rain to keep the water levels up. The North Fork of the Shenandoah River from Meem's Landing in Mount Jackson to Woodstock is clear and fishable. They are working on a bridge in Mount Jackson so you are not able to float through but you can wade these areas.
The South Fork of the Shenandoah River has been doing very well. There are many areas to wade and/or float the South Fork. For more access, see my book Virginia Blue Ribbon Streams or stop by the fly shop.
If you are looking for a good smallmouth bass fly fishing rod outfit--we have many different rod combo selections. Our most popular for beginners is the Orvis Clearwater 9ft 7-weight 4pc fly rod outfit with reel, line and backing. Combo Price $376.90