Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - July 6, 2022
A real hot spot to catch the large bass that are feeding on young bluegills are the tails of the pools where the natural bluegills are holding in 2-3 feet deep water over pebble stream bottoms. The bass feed in two ways here--"hit and run" as they charge into the shallows and cruising the drop offs. Just keep an eye out on these areas and cast a Murray's Magnum Bluegill to any signs of feeding bass. Other flies that are working well this week include: Murray's Crayfish, Olive size 6, Murray's Olive Marauder size 8, and Black Marauder size 8. We did exceptionally well with these flies this past weekend in our guide trips and personal fishing. Fish all of these on a Bright Butt 9ft 2X leader.
The North Fork of the Shenandoah River is in good shape--clear and fishable. They have reopened the Covered Bridge access in Mount Jackson so that and the access north (Meem's Landing) are both fishable for wading. They are doing some bridge work in Mount Jackson so you cannot float through in this area. Downstream of the Lupton access of the Seven Bends State Park in Woodstock has been doing well.
The South Fork of the Shenandoah River is in good shape as well for both wading and floating. Foster's Landing is one of my favorites but there are many places to put in and take out depending on how long of a float you want.
If you need help on access, stop by the fly shop or see my book Virginia Blue Ribbon Streams.