Smallmouth Bass Streams Fly Fishing Report - September 30, 2021
As a kid growing up in Edinburg, I watched the bait fishermen use live hog suckers to fish off the gravel bars at dusk. This is still an effective tactic. I use my Murray's Magnum Hog Sucker size 4 and carefully fish along these gravel bars at dusk. The Murray's Magnum Darter size 4 is another great fly for this time of year. The water temperature is dropping so be sure to bring your chest high waders.
The North Fork of the Shenandoah River is clear and fishable. The Chapman's Landing 2 miles north of Edinburg, the Lupton access of the Seven Bends State Park in Woodstock, and the Meems Bottom access in Mount Jackson have been doing well.
The South Fork of the Shenandoah River is full but fishable. This fork is great for kayaking and canoeing. I like to float for a little bit then beach the boat and wade areas for a while then float down to the next section and repeat. This way I am covering all areas of the river.
For access on the Shenandoah River, see my book Virginia Blue Ribbon Streams.