The St. Croix Connect 9' 6-weight 4pc fly rod is a medium to fast action rod designed for light bass fishing in the East and for the larger trout steams in the West. You could use it as well on the medium sized stocked trout streams in the East. It will cast fly sizes up to size 6 for bass and as low as a size 14 for trout dry flies or nymphs.
Outfit includes:
- St. Croix Connect Fly Rod 9' #6 4pc with rod case and 5-year warranty
- Orvis Clearwater III Fly Reel (charcoal gray--new for 2025)
- Scientific Anglers Air Cel WF-6-F fly line (yellow)
- backing
I will gladly put the line and backing on the reel before shipping. Just email us with your order number and tell us if you REEL with your right or left hand so that we can set it up correctly.