28 products

Collection: Featured Flies of the Month

Harry Murray's recommended fly list  for this time of the year.  (February 2025)

Listen to the February Podcast

Mountain Trout Native Brook Streams -- These streams are very cold and not much is occurring at this time of year but nymphs would be my recommendation if you plan to go after the native brook trout.

 Hare's Ear Nymph size 14 March Brown Nymph size 14
Perdigon Nymph size 14 Mr. Rapidan Soft Hackle Olive size 16
Bead Head Prince size 14 Murray's Dark Stonefly Nymph size 14
Mr. Rapidan Bead Head Nymph size 14 Murray's Dark Stonefly Dry size 16

Smallmouth Bass Rivers -- These streams are very cold and the smallmouth are not actively feeding.   Prime Time is May - early October.

Murray's Magnum Hog Sucker size 4
Murray's Heavy Hellgrammite, Black size 6
Murray's Madtom (Black) size 6 Bass Stonefly Nymph size 4
Murray's Tungsten CH Marauder Olive size 4 Murray's Magnum Chartreuse Streamer size 4
Murray's Tungsten CH Marauder Pearl size 4 Bass Caddis Nymph size 6

Stocked Trout Streams & Delayed Harvest Areas-- The VA DWR continues to stock streams in February. Check their website for stocking schedule.  Be sure to have updated freshwater fishing license, trout license and National Forest permit (if needed).

Perdigon Nymph size 12 San Juan Worm size 8
Rubber Leg Nymph Black/Tan size 8 Dark Stonefly Nymph size 12
Mr. Rapidan Midge Dry size 20 Mr. Rapidan Soft Hackle, Brown size 14, 16
Tungsten Pearl Marauder size 10 Tungsten Black Marauder size 10
Jig Squirmy Wormie Shenandoah Simple Streamer, Skunk size 10